Sep 30, 2009 / linux ~ osx
One Liner: Email A Web Page To Yourself On OSX or Linux

I found an easy way to email a web page to myself from the OSX command line using echo, curl, and sendmail.

This is handy if:

  • You have a status page online that you want sending to you every day
  • You have a business report online that you want sent to you every week/day etc.
  • You want a quick backup of an online document

Note, this is simple stuff for anyone who's used Linux for more than a few months I bet!

Here it is on separate lines first...

echo 'Subject: Document Backup' > tmp.txt 
echo 'Content-type: text/html' >> tmp.txt 
curl >> tmp.txt  
sendmail -v < tmp.txt 
rm tmp.txt

Or, I can do it in one line like this:

echo 'Subject: Document Backup' > tmp.txt &&  echo 'Content-type: text/html' >> tmp.txt && curl >> tmp.txt && sendmail -v < tmp.txt && rm tmp.txt

Just copy and paste that into your OSX Terminal (please replace the email address and http:// to your own though!)

You could then create a cron job to have this line executed once a day.

In case your wondering, echo is just like a print statement. The > pipes it to a text file, creating a new file each time. The >> appends to the file.

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