Feb 01, 2010 / graphics ~ data ~ projectmanagment
Data Graphics for Project Status?

If you use project management tools like TargetProcess, you'll know that sometimes it's hard to get an instant feel for "where you're at" without studying the burn-down chart or summary reports.

We want a dashboard indicator to give us this information fast. Here's one idea we put on the table:

Project Status Data Graphic

I like it because it's shiny. And because it shows 4 metrics in one bar.

But, I can hear Ed Tufte cursing in my ear :) For example, this is probably a clearer way of depicting the information with a much higher data/ink ratio:

Budgeted:    250h (200h of which is planned against tasks)
Spent:       230h   
Unexpected:  +50h  (time we will need but haven't planned for)

Do you have recommendations for your favourite way of seeing project status?

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