Posts tagged rails

MongoMapper Extract Superclass Refactoring

Jan 05, 2011 / rails ~ mongodb ~ mongomapper / comments

Crazy Ruby Sharing

Mar 25, 2010 / ruby ~ rails / comments

Get a Rails-Stylee Interactive Shell For Your NHibernate Backed Domain Model

Aug 10, 2009 / nhibernate ~ .net ~ rubyonrails / comments

New App for Writing Documents Online

Jun 11, 2009 / creativity ~ ruby ~ rails / comments

6 ways to run background jobs in Ruby (On Rails)

Mar 09, 2009 / rubyonrails ~ ruby / comments

Funky C# Extension Methods for Date Time (Inspired by Rails)

Aug 04, 2008 / .net ~ rails ~ c# / comments

Friendliest console installer EVER!

Jul 17, 2008 / software ~ rubyonrails / comments

Build and deploy Rails Applications from your web browser

Feb 09, 2008 / software ~ rails / comments

MacBook Air In 2 Weeks

Jan 15, 2008 / software ~ rails / comments

What will Steve Jobs be saying at MacWorld?

Jan 14, 2008 / rails ~ apple / comments

NetBeans 6.0 for RubyOnRails: 2 Days Later

Jan 14, 2008 / software ~ rails ~ tools / comments

Wow. NetBeans 6.0 for Ruby On Rails

Jan 12, 2008 / software ~ rails ~ tools / comments


Oct 17, 2007 / software ~ .net ~ rails ~ tools / comments

Rails: ActiveRecord with MySQL Master-Slave(s)

Oct 17, 2007 / software ~ rails ~ mysql ~ scaling / comments

Cool Windows Shell + Linux Commands

Jun 21, 2007 / rubyonrails ~ windows ~ linux / comments